Thursday, August 20, 2015

Cash Aids to HIV patient to purchase land to built house

We received a request from one of the HIV patient we knew some 13 years ago. She met me & Muthu after badminton 13July 2015. She has finally got a piece of land in Plentong(3,670 sq ft) from the Government(details attached) and has to pay land premium of RM11,438.00.
I have collected RM250.00 from the Friends Badminton Gang in Plentong which shall be banked into Yayasan's account.
I proposed giving out 2.5k as part payment towards the 11.4k. She is hopping from job to job because of her HIV stigmatisation. She deserves our help to have a decent roof over her head. Her ex-husband had make her a bankrupt and, if approved, the cheque shall be written out in her son's name(IC attached).

Yayasan member, Muthusamy(middle) witnessing signing of voucher by Wan Farid(right) with his Mum, Haz.

L to R) - Yayasan Member Ng, Haz(Wan Farid's mother), Yayasan member, Muthusamy, Wan Farid & Yayasan member James Ho - Presentation of cheque of 2.5k.

Cash Aids for Chi Chooi Yee's first semester at Universiti Malaysia Perlis

One of Keck Seng's staff(Watchman), Chi Nyo Hook's daughter, Chi Chooi Yee obtained a place to study a 4-year degree course in Electronic Engineering in Universiti Malaysia Perlis for 2015/2016. She requires only RM3,495.00 as fees for the 1st year to start off. I propose that Yayasan sponsor RM2k, the balance(RM1,495.00) shall be sponsored by me. I hope everyone is agreeable. Those who want to chip in with some pocket $ shall be most helpful for the poor girl to have a kick start in university life. Details are attached.

YSJB cash donations to Muthuthan's TNB arrears 19 August 2015

This is from Desmond Leong.
He is now in Muthuthan's Home in Plentong trying to renovate the Home.

They have to re wire the whole placebut have to pay TNB the arrears of RM986.50 before the new TNB meter can be fixed.
He asked Yayasan to help out and I agreed on your behalf.
He is spending about RM20000 to the home.

Cash Aids of RM8000 for damaged house along Kuala Krai-Gua Musang Road during the last flood

Foundation is funding 8k for this house badly damaged by the recent floods in Kelantan. This house is along the Kuala Krai-Gua Musang road. We shall keep you posted regularly

Monday, August 10, 2015

Cancer Patient Mohammad Zul Azman Bin Abdul Khalid

This is the cancer boy the Foundation supported some 2 years ago when he was having leukemia.
The Foundation gave him 2K

Comments from Louis Lo of Sandakan, Sabah 10 Aug 2015

Comments from the article Stories of Life: James Ho, the "Charity Man" of Johor Bahru"
From Louis Lo of Sandakan, Sabah:

" Life's short & uncertain. I believe it's a divine calling for us to help the poor & needy. Money is of not much value if it's stalk up in the bank. Better to help others than being helped! Keep up the good work bro. James!"

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Expression of gratitude from Benefactor who had recovered from cancer and getting married.

All Committee Members of Yayasan Suria JB:
It is with great pleasure that we get an invite from a patient with cancer whom we have helped some 2 years ago by providing 2k of cash aid.
Now he is ok and getting married. He is inviting all Committee members for his wedding & big day.
It is indeed humbling to know that he is doing well knowing that the little from Yayasan had make a difference in his life.
This joy of happiness must be share among all of you who are part of this Foundation that we can really be proud of. Well done!
Give a pat on your own shoulders!
We shall be there on his big day and hope our presence can give him more zest in life to live for his new wife.