Thursday, July 14, 2016

Yayasan donation of RM300 for the late Rowena's children 12 July 2016

 The late Rowena Pang Choon Hua

 From L to R: Muthusamy, James Ho, Pang Choon Foo(Rowena's brother) and Ng Teng Hock at Rowena's wake

Rowena's brother Pang Choon Meow
Tragedy strike Rowena during an off-road expedition at Dungun, Terengganu.
 Yayasan steps in to assist Rowena's children, who is a active member of James Ho's badminton clique, with a monthly donation of RM300 starting from July 2016  

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Funeral donation for Parameswaran A/L George Suhumaran

The deceased, Parameswaran was a resident of Ramadani Home in Plentong, of which Yayasan is supporting RM300 monthly in provision, passed  away on the morning of July 11, 2016.
Mukuthan, who runs Ramadani home has no money to claim the body for burial, so Yayasan decides to donate RM250 to help out with the funeral arrangement.

Cheque Presentation to Thalassemia boy Pierre Chiang 08 July 2016

A donation drive was carried out early June 2016 to assist Thalassemia Pierre Chiang to garner fund for his operation in Taiwan.
Yayasan managed to collect about RM14k and was handed over to the boy's parent on 08 July 2016 by Founder/Secretary James Ho.