Saturday, February 11, 2017

Single mother Agnes Lumit with four young children 10 Feb 2017


              Agnes with her three children...the eldest is at school

Agnes' youngest son milk formula...need sponsors as she uses 6 cans per month priced at RM60 per can.
                        Deceased husband of Agnes, Giri Anak Layang

Visitation by Desmond Leong(Social Worker) and Johor JEWEL representative on 10 Feb 2017 to assess Agnes situation and deliberate on the necessary assistance to be extended.

Meanwhile, Yayasan Kebajikan Suria Kawasan Permas Johor Bahru has proposed to provide a one off cash aid of RM1000.00 and RM350.00 per month starting March for the next six months.

Friday, February 3, 2017