Saturday, October 31, 2015

Handling over 2.4k by Murugan of MIWA(Masai Indian Womenn Association)

This is a family living inside a Japanese Cementary in Saleng. The man sells besi buruk, has two children who are not schooling.
They have rashes due to unhygienic living condition.
They do not have food and water to drink. Eating food from the offering at the graves and drinking collected rainwater.
Very pathetic case.
Our MIWA team will meet up with them and try to arrange a house soon.
Yayasan can contribute RM100.00 per month.

James can offer husband and wife work in the estate with free housing, water and electricity.
Saras of JAARS(Johor Aids Action Research Society has collected about 2.5k for the family in Saleng.

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