Sunday, January 17, 2016

James Ho personal aid to his friend Gooi's cancer treatment.

[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Bro Gooi.
I gave u d $ unconditionally.
No guarantor, iou or anything else.
Pure giving in the highest realm.
I am full of tears of joy hearing that u r another cancer SURVIVOR like me.
That calls for a big celebration when Ding, u n me meet in KL soon.

*James Ho*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Sadhu sadhu sadhu
*Bro Gooi*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Dear Bro. James, gd am. For this 20k, it is an advance from Ding. So i believe he shall return the sum to u directly when he returns. I will settle this advance with him when final payment is made in Feb. Kindly confirm that the total amount of all the cheques with u totals 170k. THANK YOU BROTHER. Hope that my health may recuperate after chemo. Actually my cancer is terminal as the nasal cancer was inoperable being too near the brain n nerve fibres. But after 15 rds of radiation in Nov 2014, the MRI, PET-scans last month showed no more cancer miraculously. The oncologist therefore advised chemo to cleanse the lymph-nodes of any potential traces for wholesome measure. God bless.
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Dear Bro. James, after finishing reading your sms, tears rolled down my cheeks in a deluge. I said a silent prayer. I may be unlucky to be strikened with cancer, but with the grace of God, i have James Ho, a divine gift that is truly rare n superior to any forms of magnanimity. I went into meditation, at the end of which, i wonder how i can aptly send a clear message to u. After some deep thoughts. I think i may have succeeded. U will be the judge. All that u had said in ur sms are absolute truths. You JUST infused the funds i asked for, not once, but 6 times. These were given out with many NOs.  1. NO question asked. 2. NO guarantor. 3. NO  iou notes requested. Yes, I gave d cheques. But they may not guarantee repayment. What happen should
i pass away b4 land is sold. This, i am sure must have crossed ur mind. But that didn't deter u. You value friendship n life more than rm, which most people wld guard
with their life. Much less, gave it out as UNSECURED loans. Even my siblings or my closest ally could do what u had done. NO! 4. NO interest. 5. NO time-frame for repayment of any sort. 6. NO request for repayment until now. Not even ONCE. 7. NO collaterals.
*James Ho*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: 20k in.
*Bro Gooi*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Thanks you have done a good deed
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Dear Bro. James. Thank you. Your figure is wrong. There is another 30k missing. Pls pay in ALL cheques when i receive full payment from Ding. You have been very exceptionally kind to me already. By saying that u r not sure is your another clever ruse to give me a donation tacitly. Divine heart of gold! I ask u to confirm b'cos i lost the stubs of the cheque book of the earlier cheques. The new cheque book shows the latter cheques. My heart-felt appreciation for your unsurpassed magnanimity. God shall watch over u. Praise You and Him.
*James Ho*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Good news! BEST NEWS! YOUR FAITH HAS PULLED YOU THR' MY BRO.
Ptaise the LORD!
*James Ho*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: So that Ding can get the full msg. The 1st sms in the sequence of 4 as u received them. It started with Dear Bro. James
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: James, i sent u 4 msgs just now. Pls forward the 1st one to Ding. I erased by mistake b4 forwarding to him. D other 3 msgs, i hd done so. I wish to keep Ding in the loop. Tq. Bro. God bless.
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Become my epic crusade. Yes, Ding, u and me must meet in KL soon to tune up. God bless.

Thanks bro.
Thats what real frens are for.
Amitabha & sadhu sadhu sadhu.
Eventually it is anatta.
There is nothing bro.
*James Ho*
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Only cancer-suffers can truly appreciate life n friendship. That puts both of us on the same stage. Remember how i  hugged u in early 2000s at PJ Hilton n wrote u a note. I knew u were a fighter from the start. I was right. I gave u the 'oil' as a morale-booster. Whether it actually had helped, we can only guess. It takes more than this to be a cancer-survivor. That is for sure. James, when i went to see Christine at d hospital, we had a good chat. But when i went the second time, she was in coma, near her death-throes. She was alone on her death-bed. All her loved out for food. I spent 2 min looking at her, on the life-support gadgets sustaining her. Most heart-rending. I held her hand  to bid farewell. I cried as i drove away. Bro. James, we should we collaborate to put our experiences to churn out d coffee-table booklet for the benefit of Yayasan Suria n cancer-patients in earnest. It has also become
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Now, u try to give me 30k tacitly. I cannot accept that. Kindly pay in ALL cheques when i receive the payment for land sale.
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: Thank you. Brother. Without u giving the funds, where would i be today? U gave a last-minute life-line. I owe u my life to u  if i do live. Ur true LOVE for me, not money gave me that chance. Praise YOU n the Lord.
[14:37, 16/01/2016] James Ho: There is an inordinate mistake.  'even my siblings or closest ally could NOT do what u had done for me. Sorry.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Promised aid never reaches home The Star 13 Jan 2016

THE owner of an orphanage and old folks home in Johor Baru has taken politicians and community leaders to task for making promises without coughing up even a single cent, Malaysia Nanban reported.

S. Mukunthan, who operates the Sandhya home for abandoned people, said: “They hold ceremonies in front of the public and the press and hand over mock cheques with promises of assistance.

“When the spotlight is no more, they forget their promises.”
When the aid does not reach the poor, members of the public assume the money given by the politicians had been pocketed by the greedy operator.
This, said Mukunathan, had made life difficult for the orphanages.

Mukunthan was speaking at a lunch function organised by the Johor Indian Taxi Drivers’ Association.

The home has 54 inmates, including elderly people and children. Eleven of them are in secondary school and eight in primary school.


Yayasan Kebajikan Suria JB is proud to be associated with Sandhya Home in Plentong by providing monthly RM300.00 worth of provision since 2014







Sunday, January 3, 2016

Charitable Hai-O Enterprise Bhd managing director Tan Kai Hee 04 Jan 2016

>Hai-O Enterprise Bhd managing director Tan Kai Hee has vowed to donate his shares to charity when he passes on, major Chinese dailies reported.

Sin Chew Daily reported Tan, who is a well-known businessman, said he planned to donate his shares to Hai-O Foundation so that the interest earned from the shares could be channelled for charity work.

In his speech at a gathering on Saturday, Tan said giving back to society had always been a priority for Hai-O and he hoped that more people would donate to charity.

Tan also announced a donation of RM1.4mil to 32 organisations during the gathering.

Azmi Ramli(Pontian) * Gout/Diabetes_Monthly Cash Aid RM150 from YSJB

Sue (Counselling Support Group) recommend two cases for YSJB 03 Jan 2016

[14:53, 02/01/2016] Sue (Counselling Support Group):
 Can I pls recommend two families that I hope you will consider supporting.
First is Mrs Lau, 38 years old. Works as a cleaner for a low wage. She has nine children, the eldest is 21, youngest is 2 years. Husband is having some psychiatric issues. Her eldest three are working but not much help given that there are so many mouths to feed. It would help immensely if you could sponsor in part or full the school busfare for four children. Total RM250 per month.
Desmond Leong visits the family regularly. They are behind on their utility bills, that Jewel will help settle. If you sponsor the busfare, they should be able to manage the utilities.

The second family is Subha. Four school-age kids. Drug addict husband just walked out on them. Jewel  has sponsored the kids uniforms. But this family is pretty down and out.
I visited her yesterday. Poor but dignified, doesn't want to bother people for money. But I knew she was behind on the utilities. And then the dam burst etc. She is trying her best.
Oh God bless. I will get the ic and bank details. Is a whatsapp photo of ic sufficient or do you need a proper photocopy?

[14:53, 02/01/2016] James Ho: Ok.
Yayasan can sponsor the 2 families.
Pl scan ICs of both families.
Mrs Lau - RM250 wef Jan 2016.
Subha - RM200 wef Jan 2016.
If bank is available, pl provide.
Otherwise, how do we hand over cash?
Thank you for giving Yayasan to be of some help.
God bless.
[14:55, 02/01/2016] Sue (Counselling Support Group):
I wanted to ask you,  but was hesitating. And then you sent the message out, which seemed like a divine signal.