Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Appeal for fund to extend Persatuan Kebajikan Mesra Megah RiaJohor Bahru Johor 23 March 2017

An appeal for fund to extend Persatuan Kebajikan Mesra Megah Ria, Johor Bahru, Johor was convey to James Ho.
After getting approval from committee members, YSJB will donate RM1500 to the children's home.

YSJB donated RM1500.00 toward Persatuan Kebajikan Mesra Megah Ria on the 24 March 2017


YSJB provide immediate assistance to ARC patient after being alerted by Sr Mercy(POHD Diocese of Melaka-Johor 28 March 2017

Message from Sister Mercy 10 April 2017.

Moorthy (ARC) is going to be discharged today. Son has started working in econ save. Daughter works at TADIKA. Wife is planning to work as security guard once he is a bit better.

He is so grateful for Yayasan Suria's help.

James, John, Ng Teng Hock of YSJB together with Yap SK visited Moorthy A/L Perumal (diagnosed with HIV/AIDS) after being referred by Sister Mercy(POHD Johor Melaka Diocese)
We spoke to Moothy's wife, Valliammah A/P Rajamany, to gain a better understanding of their situation.
The couple has two children.   The daughter just started two days of work and the son is jobless.
YSJB will provide a one off cash aid of RM500 and a monthly donation of RM200 per month for the next four months, to be re assessed again after four months.
Sister Mercy will provide a monthly cash aid of RM300 per month for the next four months.
YSJB will also assist the son to obtain his motorcycle license with the help of Muthu.
Once the son has his license, Yap will provide employment at his factory at   Kora Putri, Taman Megah Ria with a monthly salary of RM1000 per month and subsidised petrol.

Hi James,
A Taiwan friend heard me said about Ringo Anak Wong, and wants to donate USD600 for him. I will convert to RM and bank in soon. Hope can help him more.

Message from Kareen Fong (Supporter of YSJB)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Appreciation note from Bernice Xinzi: 17 Mar 2017

Hi, Mr James Ho
I am writing to thank you for the monthly subsidy that I have been receiving for almost one year.
In the past few months, I’ve used the subsidy that you provided to pay my monthly tuition fee, even this only cover my partial tuition fee, but it really lighten my parents’ burden.
For your information, mostly my living expenses is provided by my mother alone as I have been staying with my mother since I was 18 year old. So I really want to thank you for the amount that you have given to me every month. This really means a lot to me and my mother.
I’m really appreciate for what you have done.
Thank you. God bless you 😊

Respond from James Ho
16 March 2017
We are glad our little subsidy has helped in some ways to make life more bearable.
Thanks for the nice note which shall be passed to all Yayasan Suria JB's supporters to tell them that their contributions have been put to good use.

Take care.


Appreciation note from Nicole Poon (University Malaya) 17 Mar 2017

Dear Mr James,

I am honoured to be one of the recipients to receiving funding for my degree certificate. Thanks to your generous support I am the first in my family to be able to enter University. 
I am now in my second year of my undergraduate course. My plans at this stage are to complete my course by getting first class honours in order not to let my family and also you down, who have been giving me support financially. I consider myself fortunate to be able to receive financial support from you.
The support did give me an opportunity to brush up my skills in my field. Thank you personally for your generosity!
Your funding will help me earn credentials in exercise science which I hope I could help people to understand more about their health and fitness in the future.
Once again, thank you for continuous support. I am committed to my education and to the health and fitness field, I wish I could help people as much as how you help us (the receiver) in order to achieve success. 
Hereby, I would like to attach my current result as I think you have the right to know my current situation. Would like to meet you face to face in the future to thank you! 

All thanks to you and the foundation's support. I hope one day I can be as successful in return to help others in need to! Will try to keep up with the studies and hopefully I can maintain with the results. Will up date to you every semester. 

Respond from James Ho...

The Foundation is proud that you are doing well in your studies and it is our fervent hope that you will, in turn, help others in need when you graduate eventually.
Keep up the good progress in your studies and we wish you well in your endeavours.

Thank you.