Friday, March 17, 2017

Appreciation note from Bernice Xinzi: 17 Mar 2017

Hi, Mr James Ho
I am writing to thank you for the monthly subsidy that I have been receiving for almost one year.
In the past few months, I’ve used the subsidy that you provided to pay my monthly tuition fee, even this only cover my partial tuition fee, but it really lighten my parents’ burden.
For your information, mostly my living expenses is provided by my mother alone as I have been staying with my mother since I was 18 year old. So I really want to thank you for the amount that you have given to me every month. This really means a lot to me and my mother.
I’m really appreciate for what you have done.
Thank you. God bless you 😊

Respond from James Ho
16 March 2017
We are glad our little subsidy has helped in some ways to make life more bearable.
Thanks for the nice note which shall be passed to all Yayasan Suria JB's supporters to tell them that their contributions have been put to good use.

Take care.


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