Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Appeal for Funds(Cancer) >>> Ricky Ong(2008).

Re: Appeal for funds - Ricky Ong - RM50,000.00
Sat, 19 Jul 2008 06:42:34 +0800

Congrats, Rxxxxx Ong! We are glad to be part of you in this remarkable recovery process which I consider "nothing short of a miracle from God".

All praise to The Almighty God. It was because of the faith we all have in you and your unweaving faith in God that have pulled you through.

As I write these, tears of joy,love and gratitude filled my eyes and I am sure all those reading this will have similar feelings & emotions. Our warmest regards to your wonderful family whom we have the opportunity to meet during your battle with cancer. It was the love and support shown by them(your family) and your reason for living(which is also your family) that gave you the drive, encouragement & motivation to fight on. And fighting you did and won!!! Congratulations once again and we shall visit you to hug and oomph you for the wonderful achievement.

Warmest regards,

James Ho


Re: Appeal for funds - Ricky Ong - RM50,000.00
Fri, 18 Jul 2008 07:15:04 -0700


Dear Brother James Ho,

          Please extend this message to all others who know me or who are new to me (like 
          friends' friends).

Today marked an important milestone in my life. It is with fear, anxiety and mixed feeling that I have to avail myself for a CT Scan and CEA (blood test) after having undergone an operation for 3rd stage colon cancer seven months ago and 8 rounds of chemotherapy.

The results showed that I am cleared of the spread of cancer or in remission. I do not exactly know what it means. To me maybe this is a temporary reprieve and there are many battles to be fought. At least I have overcome an obstacle. I have done to the best of my abilities for the sake of my beloved family. The past seven months have been an uncertain one in which my family feel  helpless and sadness.  I know the road ahead is a long and winding one.

Reflecting the events in the past, I truly appreciate the concern, the prayers, words of comfort and kindness and financial contribution extended to me and the spirit of the Serdang "coption". Please convey my thanks, sincere appreciation and indebtedness to all of them who have helped me in one way or another and are too numerous to name them. May you all receive  the appropriate blessings from your God

But not forgetting those who have worked hard which I would like to label them as the task force under James Ho, Ding, Gooi, Datuk Soh, Chee Kiong, Ee Beng Heng, Koh Yong Siang.

May God bless you all and the others. Please do not take offense if your names are not mentioned but deep in my heart you are not forgotten.

I hope we shall meet again under more pleasant circumstances. I shall keep you all informed and hoping it will be good news all along.


R----- Ong


Dear All,

We first wrote to all of you on 12/1/08 appealing for funds(RM50K target) for Rocky Ong's colon cancer treatment. Subsequently, the second appeal went out on 31/1/08 as the momentum was rather slow. Then through some personal appeals on 20/3/08, we managed to secured RM52,000.00 by 31/3/08.

What else can we say! Congrats to all of you for making this effort of ours so satisfying and rewarding. Ricky Ong is now all fired up to give it a good fight and we are sure with all your support & prayers, he will be up and running very soon.

What was nice to see during our campaign was that a non-Serdang came in with a donation(big one!) - he donated to someone whom he did not know at all, our Alumni - PAUPM(Persatuan Alumni UPM) donated generously and even members of the public through word of mouth (cutting across racial & religious barriers) all chipped in for a good cause.

Both Ding Toy Huah and I(James Ho) would like to once again thank all of you for giving us a chance to be part of this effort in raising funds for a worthy cause. Honestly, as we write this now tears of joy and gratitude overwhelmed our emotions - grateful and thankful for the spontaneous help towards Ricky Ong and a feeling that we are all one as mankind.


Serdang Bolih! Serdang Bolih!


Warmest regards,


Ding Toy Huah & James Ho





Hi Ding - for your comments before I send this out. TQ.


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