Saturday, December 19, 2015

Agenda from AGM 2015

Yayasan Kebajikan Suria

Annual AGM
7th March 2015 , 7:30 pm ,

 TS HOTEL Taman Scientex , Pasir Gudang


(1)  Sutera Mall Booth in JUN 2015

a) blood donation campaign        :   James will  ask  Penawar to work with us
b) FREE T-shirt                                   :  will be  given  for New Members joining on that day
c) FREE CAR  Sticker                         :will  also be given as gift to let Public to stick on their cars
  “ To serve with love & humility “ + yayasan blog name

(2)  Plan : 3  meetings  a year    

a)  March  (AGM)
b)   July        
c)   November

(3)  Recruit more members

a)  Individual membership                           : current way

b)  Corporate membership                          : we need to design a form & we can approach companies to join at RM 200/year& their company name will link to our blog


c)  Education Associates membership     : approach secondary schools or collages (interact club, school open day …) at RM50/year

*** Remarks: **

---  we will provide each members HIV Aids Awareness Talk + Counseling Session + Link to Yayasan’s Blog
---  Mr. John  will recommend a counseling/motivational speaker to schools (example Pandan SRJKC) to give motivation talk to students

--- We can organize more activities,& ask students & all members to join


(4)  ALL COSMOS , Dato’ Tony ( discussion on 7th March Morning ):
 Corporate Social Responsibility ,CSR

a)    Academy help                           :  pay teacher to teach poor students

b)    Skill Education                          : “Teach them fishing rather to feed them” – car wash, handicraft, (educate them to make their own living)


c)     Go further than money        : we can think of more ways to help people with personal touch

d)     Telecommunication Fund Raising   :  Dato’ know some people who can legally let us upload a charity video (1 touching story, maybe AH CHing HIV story) on YOUTUBE , the number of clicks from worldwide will  raise fund for YAYASAN from big corporate
- according to Dato’ Tony , Government spend millions on multimedia industry, we should utilize the facilities

e)   “Pasir Gudang Presentation” :  Dato’ Tony invite us on 22nd March Sunday to attend a “Pasir Gudang function” , all factories’ boss in Pasir Gudang will attend , and we are given 3-5 minutes to do some presentation about YAYASAN & Yayasan Blog

(5)   Clearance of T-shirt & Sponge
a) we need to find Pasar Malam to sell & clear our “Sponge”  which worth RM8000


Thank you

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