Sunday, December 13, 2015

Message from Reuson Seet on YSJB receiving 2nd. IMSHA Awards 11 December 2015

Message received from a colleague of mine after learning that the Foundation shall be receiving the coming 2nd IMSHA Award:

Dear James,

Congratulations! Though you started your work not seeking worldly recognition, nonetheless God sees it & perhaps that is why you are  receiving this reward! Accept it humbly as a reminder that all work is not in vain because God is faithful & just & He is the all knowing God ; He sees &  knows all your work.

Thanking you for spending invaluable time sharing your real life experience & most importantly knowing that you will be busy down the road helping the helpless. I suppose this is the highest paid job where no amount of monies could compensate. Your passion & unconditional love to reach out to the needful will surely sustain you. But amongst all, I believe God will always be with you in all that you were doing & the many more that you will do to come in helping others. It is not the End when you leave your present job of more than 20 yrs but I could see that this is just the Beginning for you & your journey in life. Age is just a number.

Many invaluable things about life I've learned today from your deep sharing , thanking you again & feeling enlightened. Your words that you utter, I  hope I'll not keep it only in my memories but to always remember to put it into practice. 

May God continue to bless & protect you & your family so that you'll be able to bring blessings & inspiration to others! It's because of people like you that makes this world a better place to live in.

Stay in touch.

Thanks & Regards,

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